This is an example: Very poor young girls raised on the sidewalk, living with their families (example of what this looks like), raped by the sidewalk owner, resulting in pregnancy, are disowned by their families for being pregnant out of wedlock. Even in this setting pregnancy out of wedlock brings such disgrace on everyone.
They are ostricized, unable to work, banished from their family. Nobody will ever marry them now -- they are the untouchable of the untouchables.
They are left with few options:
unsafe abortion
Even sidewalk dwellers in India have to pay regular fees to someone -- the sidewalk owner, policemen, syndicates.
They might hide the pregnancy until they can't, waiting until later pregnancy, and then have a third trimester pregnancy abortion. If the child is viable it has a chance to survive. Waiting until late pregnancy has something to do with either Hindu religion or Karma
Is that what I heard? Now I can't remember. How can this be?
Late Pregnancy abortion is not legal in India.
Prematurity is common.
Voluntary premature deliver?
How could this be possible?
The child would likely be abandoned.
Even then she can't return to society if people knew.
Did I hear or remember this wrong?
I search the internet to try to find validation of such practices. So far I haven't found any.
But this was probably the mid 1980s I am talking about -- or maybe nothing has changed.
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